BC made Hashish for Sale at a Great Price – Gold Seal Quality!
Gold Seal hash is a bit softer than the Mercedes. The smoke is similar, but from what you’ve told us, it seems 60% of clients prefer the gold seal. The body buzz from the hash is great if you want a body numbing experience, without a heavy head high. Don’t get me wrong, you’ll be stoned, but not totally ripped like you would smoking a joint.
If hash is new to you, then Gold Seal might be a good starting point. it’s a great value hash (but not low quality) and great for mixing in doobies too 🙂
The gold seal is soft enough where you will be able to roll it in little balls or tear apart for rolling. however you smoke it, gold seal hash is ready for the job!
Gold Seal Hash is an Afghani hashish that has become prominent in North America. Gold Seal Hash has a strong aromatic smell with a dark brown outside and a light brown inside. The inside of this hash will remind you of a big delicious chocolate bar. Afghani Hash comes from small bushy indica plants which are pressed into beautiful hash. The effects of this hash provide users with a strong high that can leave you couch locked. It’s easy to underestimate the potency of Afghani style hashish. Each container has 1 gram of HashHash, also known as hashish, is a cannabis concentrate product made by collecting and concentrating the trichomes (kief) directly from the cannabis flower. When these trichomes are collected, they’re compressed with heat and pressure into different forms such as balls or cakes, resulting in textures that are either solid or paste-like. Hash comes in many forms, flavours, and different variations and each offers its own unique flavours, properties, and effects. While regular cannabis flower tends to have an average potency of 10-30% THC, hash can range from 60-75%! Hash originally came from India, when cannabis cultivators, in the process of treating and processing cannabis plants, would take a dull knife or even their fingers to scrape off the kief that has collected in the palm of their hands and compressing it into hash. Today, cannabis extraction technology has evolved to better extract, capture, and concentrate kief to produce superior hash products.
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